Empower Women: From Financial Independence to Sustainable Future

Jurkovičova Tepláreň, Bottova 1, Bratislava,

L'événement est terminé.

November 10. – European Equal Pay Day

1. Gender Pay Gap and Consequences of Life-changing Events on Women’s Finances 

In the EU, women earn on average 14.1% per hour less than their male counterparts, which equals to almost two monthly salaries. This is why the European Commission marks November 10 as the symbolic day after which women basically work for free until the end of the year. Not only do women earn less, they receive lower pensions but tend to live 5 years longer than men on average. Let’s discuss the factors behind the gender pay gap, what must be done to achieve equal pay and how can women achieve financial independence and plan for life-changing events such as maternity leave, divorce, and retirement.  


• Elena Kohútiková – Chairwoman of the Board of Advisors of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Vice-Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of VÚB

• Júlia Čillíková - Executive Director Supervision and Financial Consumer Protection Department at National Bank of Slovakia

• Martin Šuster – Economist, Member of the Council for Budget Responsibility

• Jana Brodani - executive director of the Czech Capital Market Association, Member of the Board of Directors of the international association European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA)


2. Fireside Chat:  Women in the Energy Sector and Their Leadership 

This chat will open a discussion about women and their role in the energy sector. We will also talk about women’s leadership in their workplace based on the conducted Gallup studies. Are women better leaders? And do the qualities of leadership differ between men and women?


• Miroslav Šarišský, Director of Human Resources and Management Organization at Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.

• Lenka Buchláková

3. Women Investing, Value–Based Investing, and the Future of ESG  

Global crises disproportionately affect women and highlight their need for passive income and financial independence. Investing protects women’s savings from inflation and prepares them for retirement and unexpected life events like loss of work, divorce, or health complications. Female entrepreneurs account for 37% of global GDP. Support of women owned businesses has been linked to inclusive economic growth and it is a prerequisite of reaching the 2030 UN Sustainable development goals. Women care more about the values of the companies they invest in than the returns, often choosing to invest in the fields of health, education, and sustainability. How can we utilize women’s preference for value and impact-based investing to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future and why is this transition not possible without them? 


• Terézia Jacová – Co-founder of the Lumus Investment Collective, previosuly Investment Manager at Neulogy Ventures

• Zuzana Kedroňová - Founder of the Yoora Studio



Empower_Women_Invitation.pdf (PDF • 530 Ko)
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